Essentials to hosting a deliciously fun wine-tasting party

Essentials to hosting a deliciously fun wine-tasting party

We believe a wine-tasting party should be just that. A party!

Kick it off right with this essential list of must-haves and some savvy dos.

  • Start by inviting your fun friends over — you know, the ones with the sparkling personalities.
  • Next, stock up on a variety of tasty wines. Some whites, reds, rose, Moscatos and Prosecco
  • Don’t be afraid to suggest guests bring over wine, too. The more the merrier.
  • Get some adult munchies; flavorful cheeses, crackers, chips, dips and wonderful dessert. All to compliment the different wines.
  • Play awesome music…just not loud.
  • Gather the right glasses. The shape of a glass can affect a wine’s flavor. Also, hold the glass by the stem so your hand won’t warm your wine.
  • Swirl like a pro. Giving your glass a quick swish will aerate and unlock the aromas in your glass.
  • Sniff, then sip. Wine tasting is for all of the senses!
  • Now everyone should gossip about the wines. What was the aroma, what could you smell? What flavors could you taste?
  • Before sending guests home serve up coffee and delectable dessert. They’ll LOVE you for it.

Let us know how your party of a wine-tasting party went in the comments below.

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